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Bible vulgate (Montpellier ou Toulouse, vers 1230-1240)
Notice créée le 2025-01-15 à 17:40 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).
Bible vulgate (Montpellier ou Toulouse, vers 1230-1240)
Identifiant GUARD
Manuscrit complet
Vers 1230-1240
Montpellier ou Toulouse ? (Sud de la France)
ff. 3- 374, Old Testament: f. 3, [General prologue] Frater ambrosius [Stegmüller 284]; f. 5, [Prologue to Genesis] Desiderii mei [Stegmüller 285]; f. 5v, Genesis; f. 23, Exodus; f. 39, Leviticus; f. 50v, Numbers; f. 66, Deuteronomy; f. 79, Joshua; f. 88v, Judges; f. 98v Elimelech peregrinatur in terram moabitidem cum uxore suam et duabus filii … patris David [Capitula list to Ruth, Series K in Biblia sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem ad codicum fidem cura et sudio monachorum Abbatiae pontificiae Sancti Hieronymi in Urbe O.S.B. edita, ed. H. Quentin, et. al. (Rome 1926-94), vol. 4, pp. 366-367]; f. 99, Ruth; f. 100, [Prologue to Kings] Viginti et duas [Stegmüller 323]; f. 101, De patre et matre danielis [sic] et Samuelis … et liberi saulis [part of the Capitula list to 1 Kings, Series E in Biblia sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem…, vol. 5, pp. 58-59]; f. 101, 1 King; f. 114, 2 King; f. 125v, 3 King; f. 138v, Ochozias [om. consulit] Beelzebub ignis de celo … omnia et de ioachim [Capitula list to 4 Kings, Series E in Biblia sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem …, vol. 6, pp. 52-53); f. 139, 4 King; f. 151, De adam usque ad ioab … et obitu david [Capitula list to 1 Chronicles, Series unica, forma b in Biblia sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem …, vol. 7; f. 152, 1 Chronicles; f. 162v, 2 Chronicles, concluding with the Prayer of Manasses (Stegmüller 93,2); f. 175v [Prologue to Ezra] Utrum difficilius [Stegmüller 330]; f. 176, 1 Ezra; f. 179v, Nehemiah; f. 184v, 2 Ezra (=3 Ezra, Stegmüller 94,1), ending mid column-b, f. 190; remainder and f. 190v, blank; ff. 191- 216{leaf with Psalms 1-8 missing} Psalm 9-150, ending gloria patri et fili et spiritu sancto sic erat in principio et nunc et semper; [f. 216v, blank.]; f. 217, [Prologue to Tobit] Chromatio et heliodoro … Mirari non desino [Stegmüller 332]; f. 217, Tobit; f. 220v, [Prologue to Judith] Apud herodem [sic] [Stegmüller 335]; f. 221, Judith; f. 226, [Prologue to Esther] Librum hester [Stegmüller 341 and 343 written as one prologue]; f. 226, Esther; f. 231, [Prologue to Job] Cogor per singulos [[Stegmüller 344]; f. 231v, Job; f. 241, [Prologue to Proverbs] Iungat epistola [Stegmüller 457]; f. 242, Proverbs; f. 250, Ecclesiastes, with Eccl. 1:``copied twice, once as a prologue beginning on f. 249v; f. 252v, Song of Songs; f. 254, [Prologue to Wisdom] Liber sapientie [Stegmüller 468]; f. 254, Wisdom, text ends mid col a, f. 255v at Wisdom 6:7; remainder blank; continues f. 256; f. 259v, [Biblical introduction to Ecclesiasticus written as a prologue] Multorum nobis; f. 259v, Ecclesiasticus; f. 272, [Prologue to Isaiah] Nemo cum prophetas [Stegmüller 482]; f. 272, Isaiah; f. 288v, [Prologue to Jeremiah] Ieremias prophetam [Stegmüller 487]; f. 289, Jeremiah; f. 308, Lamentations; f. 310, [Prologue to Baruch] Liber iste [Stegmüller 491]; f. 310, Baruch; f. 311v, [Prologue to Ezekiel] Hezechiel [sic] propheta [Stegmüller 492]; f. 311v, Ezekiel; f. 329 [Prologue to Daniel] Danielem prophetam [Stegmüller 494]; f. 329v, Daniel; f. 337, [Prologue to Minor Prophets] Non idem ordo est [Stegmüller 500]; f. 337, [Prologue to Hosea] Temporibus Ozie, ends mid col a, f. 337v; remainder blank; Hosea begins top col.b [Stegmüller 507]; ends mid col a, f. 337v; remainder blank; Hosea begins top col.b}}; f. 337v, Hosea; f. 340, [Prologues to Joel] Sanctus Ioel [Stegmüller 511]; Iohel fatuel filius [Stegmüller 510]; f. 340 Joel; f. 341v [Prologues to Amos] Ozias rex [Stegmüller 525]; Amos propheta [Stegmüller 512]; Hic amos [Stegmüller 513]; f. 341v Amos; f. 344, [Prologue to Obadiah] Iacob patriarcha .. and Hebrei hunc… sonat aliquid [Stegmüller 519 and 517 written as one prologue; f. 344, Obadiah; f. 344v, [Prologue to Jonah] Sanctum ionam [Stegmüller 524]; Ionas columba [Stegmüller 521], here written as one prologue with red paragraph and marginal note marking the beginning of the second prologue; f. 344v, Jonah; f. 345v, [Prologue to Micah] Temporibus ioathe [Stegmüller 526]; f. 345v, Micah; f. 347, [Prologue to Nahum] Naum prophetam [Stegmüller 528]; f. 347, Nahum; f. 348, [Prologue to Habakkuk] Quatuor prohete [Stegmüller 531]; f. 348v, Habakkuk; f. 349, [Prologue to Zephaniah]; Tradunt hebrei [Stegmüller 534]; f. 349v, Zephaniah; f. 350v, [Prologue to Haggai] Ieremias propheta [Stegmüller 538]; f. 350v, Haggai; f. 351, [Prologue to Zechariah] Anno secundo [Stegmüller 539]; f. 351v, Zechariah; f. 354v, [Prologue to Malachi] Deus per moysen [Stegmüller 543]; ff. 355v-356, [Prologues to Maccabees] Domino excellentissiomo … Cum sim promptus; Reuerentissimo domino … Memini me; Machabeorum libri [Stegmüller 547, 553, and 551]; f. 356, 1 Maccabees; f. 367, 2 Maccabees. ff. 374v-453v, New Testament: f. 374v, [Prologue to Matthew] Matheus [om. ex Iudaeis] sicut in ordine … intelligendam … [Stegmüller 590]; f. 374, Matthew; f. 385, [Prologue to Mark] Marcus euangelista [Stegmüller 607]; f. 385, Mark; f. 391v, [Prologue to Luke] Lucas sirus [Stegmüller 620]; f. 391v Luke [Luke 1:1-4, often copied as a prologue, here begins with a major initial; Luke 1:5 is marked as chapter one (no initial)]; f. 402v, [Prologue to John] Hic est Iohannes [Stegmüller 624]; f. 402v, John, ending with a rubric written in display script in black: Explicit liber quattuor euangelioum; f. 410v, [Prologue to Acts] Lucas natione syrus [Stegmüller 640]; f. 411, Acts; f. 421, [Prologue to the Catholic Epistles] Non ita [om. ordo] est [Stegmüller 809]; f. 421v, James; f. 422v, 1 Peter; f. 423v, 2 Peter; f. 424, 1 John; f. 425, 2 John; f. 425v, 3 John; f. 425v, Jude; f. 426, [Prologue to Romans] Romani sunt [Stegmüller 677]; f. 426, Romans; f. 430, [Prologue to 1 Corinthians] Corinthii sunt [Stegmüller 685]; f. 430, 1 Corinthians; f. 433v, [Prologue to 2 Corinthians] Post actam [Stegmüller 699]; f. 433v, 2 Corinthians; f. 436v, [Prologue to Galatians] Galate sunt [Stegmüller 707]; f. 436v, Galatians; f. 437v, [Prologue to Ephesians] Ephesi sunt [Stegmüller 715]; f. 437v, Ephesians; f. 439, [Prologue to Philippians] Philippenses sunt [Stegmüller 728]; f. 439, Philippians; f. 440, [Prologue to 1 Thessalonians] Thessalonicenses sunt [Stegmüller 747]; f. 440, 1 Thessalonians; f. 441, [Prologue to 2 Thessalonians] Ad Thessalonicenses [Stegmüller 752]; f. 441, 2 Thessalonians; f. 442, [Prologue to Colossians] Colossenses et hi [Stegmüller 747]; f. 442, Colossians; f. 442v, [Prologue to 1 Timothy] Timotheum instruit [Stegmüller 765]; f. 442v, 1 Timothy; f. 443v, [Prologue to 2 Timothy] Item Timotheo [Stegmüller 772]; f. 443v, 2 Timothy; f. 444v, [Prologue to Titus] Titum commonefacit [Stegmüller 780]; f. 444v, Titus; f. 445, Laodicenses; f. 445, [Prologue to Philemon] Philemoni familiares [Stegmüller 783]; f. 445, Philemon; f. 445, [Prologue to Hebrews] In primis dicendum [Stegmüller 793]; f. 445v, Hebrews; f. 448v, [Prologue to Apocalypse] Iohannes apostolus et euangelista [Stegmüller 834]; f. 448v, Apocalypse, ending … Explicit liber apocalypsis feliciter [ends f. 453, top col. b; remainder blank]; ff. 454-494v, [Interpretation of Hebrew Names] Aaz apprehendens … Zuzim consiliantes eos uel consiliatores eorum [Stegmüller 7709].
168 x 115 mm
Nombre de feuillets
491 fol.
Lieu de mise en vente
TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures
Date de mise en vente
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Pour citer cette notice
Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bible vulgate (Montpellier ou Toulouse, vers 1230-1240) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0244, 2025, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0244.