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Bible vulgate avec glose ordinaire (probablement Paris, vers 1240-1260)

Notice créée le 2025-01-13 à 22:25 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).


Bible vulgate avec glose ordinaire (probablement Paris, vers 1240-1260)

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Manuscrit complet


Vers 1240-1260


Probablement Paris (France)


ff. 1-48, [Proverbs, first gloss, upper margin], incipit, “Jer. Iungat epistola …”; [left margin, five glosses], “Latine similitudo …”; Notandum quod uulgata editio …”; “Prouerbiorum liber non ..”; “Quid autem utilitatis …”; “Adolescenti scilicet …”; [right margin, six glosses], “Parabole salomonis …”; “Parabole grece. Latine similitudines quod uocabulum ideo salomon …”; “Ad intelligenda uerba …”; “Ut sincera …”; “Astutia que incipentibus neccesaria …”; “Et adolescenti. Singulariter …”; [biblical text], incipit, “Parabole [interlinear glosses: id est parabolis salomonis] salomonis filii dauid [id est pacificus] …” [f. 48, last gloss] “Date ei de fructu …. Hoc vir ille … munerante deo cui est honor et gloria”;

Proverbs with the Glossa ordinaria; a quick comparison of the glosses with the text printed in Rusch in 1480/1 (Online Resources) shows the same basic text, but with variations. No added marginalia in this book. Chapters (modern) are numbered in various ways: in red and blue through chapter 5, then in black ink (roman numerals), and then from f. 16 on (chapter 11) in lead point; f. 35v on, in black ink; f. 44v, in red and blue. Initials in the biblical text do not correspond one to one with the chapter divisions (e.g., on f. 27, there is an initial at “Qui invenit,” Proverbs 18:22, and one at “Melior pauper,” Proverbs 19:1; but not all modern chapters are marked by an initial (for example, see f. 28v, chapter 20). Some, certainly not all, glosses begin with tie marks to link them to the biblical text, and symbols are also used to indicate the continuation of a gloss on the following page.

ff. 48v-64v, [f. 48v, four prologues or prefatory glosses], incipit, “Jer. Memini me …”; “Jeronimus. Verba ecclesiastes ….; Tribus nominibus uocatum est …”; “Gregorius. Quomodo hic liber sit exponendum …”; “Jer. Tradunt hebrei hunc librum salomonis …”; [f. 49] incipit, “Alleg. Pacificus et dilectus dei patris et ecclesiastes …”; “Jeronimus. Pro vanitas vanitatum secundum quosdam interpretes possumus dicere …”; “Vanitas uantitatum. Omnis homo uiuens …”; “Male opinuantur quidam nos …”; ”Si cuncta que fecit deus …; [f. 49, Ecclesiastes, biblical text], incipit, “Uerba ecclesiastes [interlinear gloss: contionatoris] filii [paterna dignitas]…”; [f. 64, concluding gloss], “Legitur salomon deum … eius observa hoc est etc.”;

Ecclesiastes with the Glossa ordinaria; the text shows general agreement with Rusch 1480/1, and not with the early version edited in Kostoff-Kaard, 2015; with additional marginal and interlinear glosses throughout, added by contemporary hands; many of these provide additional commentary, some identified as “Hugo” (presumably Hugh of St. Cher, whose commentaries date c. 1235); there are also numerous distinctiones illustrating the different meanings of a biblical word, for example, on f. 51v, “Nota quod tria sunt utilia …, Item iiii sunt inutilia …”; and f. 57v, “paupertas,” with its various interpretations, “spiritum,” “rerum defectu,” “sensu,” “bonis spiritualibus,” (that is, illustrating the different types of poverty: spiritual, lacking in things, of the senses, and of spiritual goods). Chapters are numbered in the margins in red and blue roman numerals, but in almost all cases there is not an indication in the text where the chapter begins (one exception is on f. 63v, chapter 12, where a red paraph marks the beginning of the chapter).

ff. 64v-91v, [copied in a glossing script], incipit, “Liber sapientie …,” Explicit prefatio. Incipiunt capitula, incipit, “De dilgendo iusticiam et in simiplicitate querere deum. Non zelati mortem quam deus non fecit … xxx. [only number]. De bona hospitalitate. Ut ad veram sapientiam … ” [chapter list to Wisdom; not identical to those in De Bruyne, 1914, cf. B, pp. 173-175]; [marginal glosses] “Non solum facite”; “Ut caro obediat spiritui”; “Terram. Carnem scilicet discere …”; “Rabanus. Hunc librum ieronimi asserit …”; [f. 64v, biblical text] “Diligite iustitiam [interlinear: non solum facite] …”; … [f. 91v, last marginal gloss] “Misericors et miserator dominus semper …”;

Wisdom, with the Glossa ordinaria; the text of the gloss, at least at the beginning, appears is similar to Rusch 1480/1 (Online Resources); the inclusion of a chapter list is noteworthy (chapter lists, which summarize biblical books according to older chapter divisions, are uncommon in Bibles after c. 1230). Modern chapters are usually numbered in red and blue roman numerals, and often, but not always, coincide with an initial in the text.

ff. 91v-158v, incipit, “[prologue] Multorum nobis …”; [f. 92, prologue], “Librum ihesu filii syrach dicit se ieronimus apud hebreos reperisse …”; [first marginal glosses] “R. Omnis sapientia a domino deo est etc. Incipit ab eterna dei sapientia …”; “A Domino deo etc. Quia Christus fons uite lux vera …”; “R. Harenam maris, etc. Corporalia spiritualibus …”; [f. 92, biblical text], “Omnis sapientia … Prior omnium creata est [interlinear: id est predestinata est in ornari]” … [last marginal gloss] “Dum lucem … filii lucis”;

Ecclesiasticus with the Glossa ordinaria; numerous marginal notes added in at least two hands; modern chapters are numbered in the margins in red and blue, which do not always correspond with initials in the text.

ff. 159-179, [f. 159, eight prefatory glosses], incipit, “Salomon [added: id est] pacificus …”; “Sponsus et sponsa …”; “Quatuor michi in hoc opera …”; “Si uis ascendere …”; “Notandum quod sponsa …”; “Incarnatione filii …”; “Omnes anime motionis …”; “Synagoga …”; [f. 159v, first marginal gloss, left hand column], incipit, “Vox precedentium aduentum christi …”; [first marginal gloss, right hand column], “Tangat me dulcedine …”; [f. 159v, biblical text], incipit, “[O]sculetur me … [first interlinear gloss] Delectet et certificet”; [f. 179, last marginal gloss] “Assimilare. ita fuge quod per gratiam … odor christi sunt”;

Song of Songs with the Glossa ordinaria; the text appears to be similar to the Rusch 1480/1 edition (Mary Dove’s modern edition, 1994, was not available for comparison); no added marginalia; chapters are numbered in the margins in red roman numerals and begin with red initials. It is interesting that this appear at the end of the manuscript; the usual order would have placed this following Ecclesiastes and before Wisdom.

ff. 179v-180, Sermo de sancto andrea, incipit, “Gloriosam mortem magna quam odibile uitam complectens … Secundo Mach. vi. [2 Macc. 6:19], Verbum istud dicitur de eleazaro vestro etate grandevo et morum honestate decorato … quo semper frnitur [sic, for finitur] christi presentia … qui vivit et regnat benedictus deus in secula seculorum, Amen.”

Anonymous sermon, likely lacking a modern edition, and perhaps never printed; see Schneyer, 1965, p. 282, and especially Horowski, pp. 498-499, and p. *6, discussing the question of authorship (describing Rome, Library of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure, MS Arm.2.A.9, this sermon on f. 49v); also found in Assisi, MS 539, f. 184v, Benediktinerstift Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 156, and Uppsala, University Library, MS C380, f. 2v. Huglo’s discussion of this sermon seems to imply that it was an addition to the manuscript contemporary with the lifetime of Gilles de Roye (2005, pp. 208-210), but this cannot be correct. If this is an addition, it is a contemporary one, dating not long after the copying of the manuscript.

f. 180v, Blank apart from the note concerning Gilles de Roye and Jean Guymier; transcribed above, Provenance.




330 x 230 mm

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180 fol.



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Pour citer cette notice

Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bible vulgate avec glose ordinaire (probablement Paris, vers 1240-1260) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0227, 2025, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0227.