
Lectionnaire de la messe, avec lectures issues des Épîtres (Bordeaux, vers 1375-1400)

Notice créée le 2024-09-16 à 11:33 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).


Lectionnaire de la messe, avec lectures issues des Épitres

Identifiant GUARD



Manuscrit complet


Vers 1375-1400




ff. 1-114, Temporale from the first Sunday in Advent through the twenty-fifth Sunday after the Octave of Pentecost; [f. 114v, blank but ruled];

ff. 115-139v, Sanctorale from the feast of Stephen (December 26) to Thomas Apostle (December 21), followed by the Dedication of a Church, including St. John the Evangelist (December 27), Holy Innocents (December 28), Thomas of Canterbury (December 29), Benedict (March 21), Annunciation (March 24), Gerald Confessor (April 5), Macarius of Comminges (May 1), translation of St. Andrew (May 9), Quiteria virgin (May 22), Clarus, bishop and martyr (June 1), Amandus bishop (June 18), Martialis, bishop (June 30), Lawrence with vigil and octave (August 10), Radegundis (August 13), translation of Amandus (October 26 in one source, but here between All saints on November 1 and Martin, November 11), Aemilianus monachus (November 16), Andrew (November 30) with vigil and octave, and Eulalia virgin (10 December).

ff. 140-157, Common of Saints from the vigil of one Apostle to many Virgins, concluding with votive Masses, of the Trinity, Angels, for the Health of the People, Holy Spirit, the Cross, and concluding with Masses for the Dead; [f. 157v, blank, but ruled].

Source : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/mass-lectionary-127691?daterange=1399&country[]=france&inventorySearch=0&p=2




250 x 180 mm

Nombre de feuillets

157 fol.



Lieu de mise en vente

TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures

Date de mise en vente


Signalement dans la bibliographie

Description codicologique complète : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/mass-lectionary-127691?daterange=1399&country[]=france&inventorySearch=0&p=2

Manuscrit en vente au 16 septembre 2024.

Reproduction photographique

Pour citer cette notice

Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Lectionnaire de la messe, avec lectures issues des Épitres », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0133, 2024, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0133.