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Livre d'heures, usage de l'ordre carmélite (Arras ?, vers 1480-1500)
Notice créée le 2024-09-07 à 16:37 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).
Livre d'heures, usage de l'ordre carmélite (Arras ?, vers 1480-1500)
Identifiant GUARD
Manuscrit complet
Vers 1480-1500
Nord de la France, peut-être Arras
ff. 1-11bis, Calendar, including, in addition the feasts mentioned above, feasts of St. Aubin, bishop of Angers (in red, 1 March), St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux (in red, 20 August), St. Medard, bishop of Noyon (8 June), St. Edmund of East Anglia (20 November), and St. Eligius, bishop of Noyon (1 December);
ff. 12-16, Gospel extracts, lacking one leaf in the beginning of quire, probably with an opening miniature of St. John;
ff. 16v-17v, Passion according to St. John, with the prayer “Deus, qui manus tuas …”;
ff. 18-19v, Hours of the Holy Spirit, lacking the opening miniature (probably depicting Pentecost), beginning with a rubric in French, S’ensu(i)vent les heures du benoit saint espir [sic],“ and ending imperfectly; lacking Vespers and Compline;
ff. 20r-v, Hours of the Cross, lacking the opening miniature (almost certainly of the Crucifixion), as well as Matins and Prime in the beginning of text and Compline at the end of text;
ff. 21-49v, Hours of the Virgin, use of the Carmelite Order, lacking the opening miniature (almost certainly the Annunciation), beginning with a rubric in French, Les heures de nostre dame; ending imperfectly; ff. 21-35, Matins and Lauds; ff. 35-38v, Prime; ff. 38v-41, Terce; ff. 41-43v, Sext; ff. 43v-45v, None, ending imperfectly; ff. 46-47v, Vespers, beginning imperfectly; ff. 47v-49, Compline, ending imperfectly;
ff. 50-64v, Penitential Psalms, lacking the opening miniature (probably of King David); followed by litanies (beginning on f. 58), including Saints Eligius, Edmund, Benedict, Bernard, Hilarion, Albert, Hubert, Cyril, Francis, Dominic, and Louis;
ff. 65-88v, Office of the Dead, use of the Carmelite Order; lacking the opening miniature (probably illustrating Job);
ff. 88v-98, Prayers in Latin and French: Avete omnes anime fideles, Domine Ihesu Christe salus et liberatio, s’ensuy le cymbole de la foy laquel est tres bonne à dire Quicumque vult salus esse …; to the Holy Trinity, incipit, “O noble et sainte triniteit et inseparable uniteit …” (Sonet 1461); to the five wounds of Christ, Por la plaie de vostre dyestre main (Sonet 1687); Chi sont iiii maniere d’offrande a Dieule pere mult bone et de grande valeur, “O pere tres haut je vous faict offrande de la magistude multitude …” (Sonet 1467); when receiving the Eucharist, Une bonne orison que l’ons doit dire quant ons vuet rechivoir le Saint sacrament, incipit, “O tres souvrain Dieu aujourdui je desier rechivoir …” (Sonet 1585); after taking the Eucharist, Oraison tres bonne a dire por rendre grasce apres chi qui arat rechut le Saint Sacrement del auteil, incipit, “Je vous rens grasce tres doulx Ihesu Christ grasce soit a votre haulte patreniteit …” (Sonet 924); to the Virgin Mary, incipit, “O dame de gloire o royne de joie, O fontaine de pitie et de misericorde …” (Sonet 1307); and to one’s guardian angel, incipit, “O tres sains angele de Dieu a cuy je povre pecheresse …”;
Some of the prayers in this manuscript are also found in a manuscript reported by Jean Sonet in the private Branchon collection (Eghezée, Namur; cf. Sonet, 1956); see also the notice by the section Romane at the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes in Paris, a research department that actively documents all unique examples of medieval texts in French (Jonas, Online Resources).
ff. 98-100, Suffrages of St. Michael, the Virgin Mary (“Je te salus tres saincte mere, de la mere nostre seigneur”), St. Nicholas, St. Catherine, St. Barbara, and All Saints;
ff. 100-101v, Prayers: to God the Father (“Sire Dieu je vos prie merchi de tous les pechies”); for the dedication of a church (Item quant il est la dedicace en aulcune eglise vos deveis dire, “Je vos requier doulx sire …”); and a prayer attached to an indulgence of 2000 years of pardon (“O passio magna o de profunda vulnera”).
Source : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/book-of-hours-carmelite-order-264940?inventorySearch=1&p=11
152 x 100 mm
Nombre de feuillets
104 fol.
Lieu de mise en vente
TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures
Date de mise en vente
Signalement dans la bibliographie
Description codicologique complète : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/book-of-hours-carmelite-order-264940?inventorySearch=1&p=11
Manuscrit en vente au 7 septembre 2024.
Reproduction photographique
Pour citer cette notice
Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Livre d'heures, usage de l'ordre carmélite (Arras ?, vers 1480-1500) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0113, 2024, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0113.