
Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Antiphonaire, usage romain (Paris, vers 1500-1510 pour les enluminures ; vers 1570-1600 pour le texte)

Notice créée le 2024-09-07 à 16:21 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).


Antiphonaire, usage romain (Paris, vers 1500-1510 pour les enluminures ; vers 1570-1600 pour le texte)

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Manuscrit complet


Vers 1500-1510 (enluminures)




ff. 1- 91v, Temporal, beginning with the rubric, Incipit Antiphonale iuxta brevariarium Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, from the first Sunday in Advent through the fifth Sunday after Easter;

Includes Christmas beginning on f. 15, the Feast of St. Stephen on f. 23v, St. John on f. 27, and the Holy Innocents (rubric lacking), followed by Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, continuing to the top of f. 27v, with the remainder of the page left blank; on f. 28, the Office continues with responses for Matins, and then the text proceeds through the usual feasts of the Temporal, including among others, f. 36, Epiphany, f. 52, First Sunday in Lent, f. 83v, Easter, f. 87v, Dominica in albis, and then continuing and concluding with the fifth Sunday after Easter.

ff. 91v-96v, Dedication of a Church;

ff. 97-105v, [Continuation of the Temporal], Ascension and Pentecost;

ff. 106-145v, Sanctoral, beginning with the rubric, Proprium sanctorum, Pars hiemalis, from the Vigil of St. Andrew (November 30) through the Annunciation (March 25) and Joseph (March 19), which begins on f. 142 in a new hand, and concludes mid f. 144; [remainder and ff. 144v-145v, blank staves];

Includes full Offices for Conception of Mary, Purification, the feast of St. Benedict, and the Annunciation.

ff. 146-167v, Common of Saints;

ff. 168-170v, Office of the Virgin Mary;

ff. 170v-173, Office de Saint Joseph, …; [ending mid-f. 173, remainder and f. 173v, blank but ruled].

Source : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/antiphonal-roman-use-264755?inventorySearch=1&p=13




272 x 180 mm

Nombre de feuillets

174 fol.



Lieu de mise en vente

TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures

Date de mise en vente


Signalement dans la bibliographie

Reproduction photographique


Pour citer cette notice

Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Antiphonaire, usage romain (Paris, vers 1500-1510 pour les enluminures ; vers 1570-1600 pour le texte) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0111, 2024, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0111.