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Missel (Gand ou Bruges ?, vers 1425-1450)
Notice créée le 2024-08-26 à 11:00 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).
Missel (Gand ou Bruges ?, vers 1425-1450)
Identifiant GUARD
Manuscrit complet
Vers 1425-1450
Anciens Pays-Bas, peut-être Gand ou Bruges
[ff. 1-2v, blank but ruled]; ff. 3-6v, Hec continet hoc liber, incipit, “Exorcismus salis et aque, Item ordo ad uisitandum infirmum … De sancto sebastiano, etc.” Sequitur misse, incipit, In dominica prima aduentus domini, i; Dominica secunda, lxx … Pro defunctis, cxxxix, Item alie pro defunctis diuersimode” [Ends mid f. 6; remainder and f. 6v, blank];
Contents of the volume; the manuscript includes original Roman numerals that number the openings beginning on the present f. 36 (see above). This list of contents begins with a summary of the texts on the opening leaves (which were not foliated when the manuscript was made), listed in the order found in the manuscript, followed by a detailed list of the contents of the Missal, arranged in liturgical order and keyed to the original Roman numerals numbering the openings. This list of contents begins with the Temporale with the first Sunday in Advent, and includes the names of major feasts in red (Purification, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost), followed by De aliquibus sanctis, and Sequitur communes misse (Votive masses and the Common of Saints). In other words, this is an index to the volume that re-ordered its texts according to the traditional order of a Missal.
ff. 7-9, Exorcism of salt and water;
ff. 9-27vv, Ordo ad uisitandum infirmum, order of visiting and anointing the sick, ending, f. 15v, Statim infirmus obire inceperit dicitur ab astantibus hic letania, …, litany, includes Livin, Adrian, Leodegar, Lambert, among the martyrs, and Bavo, Landoald, Macarius, Amandus, Amantius, Ausbert, Wulfram, Gudwal, Folquinus, Benedict, Maurus, and Wandregesil among the confessors, and Vinciana, Landrada, and Pharahildis among the virgins, f. 20, prayers said at the grave [Ends mid f. 27; remainder and f. 27v, blank];
and liturgical rites for visiting and anointing the sick and dying, followed by the litany for the dead and the burial service; prayers and rubrics are generally for monks (for example, masculine forms used in prayers, ff. 11, 13v, 14v, etc., rubric, f. 21, refers to the abbot) but feminine forms are added in a small formal hand between the lines in prayers on ff. 21v-22v and f. 27, and the last prayer is pro sororibus, collecta, incipit, “Quesumus domine pro tua pietate miserere anime famule tue …”
ff. 28-35v, Sequitur oratio beati thome de aquino ante clebrationem misse, incipit, “Omnipotens et misericors deus. Ecce accedo ad sacramentum corporis …”; f. 29, Sequitur oratio beati thome de aquino post celebrationem misse, incipit, “Gratias tibi ago piisime deus quod me ad officium sacerdotale elegisti …”; f. 30, Inuocatio beati macharii contra epidmie pestem. Antiphona, incipit, “Sanctisssime archipresul machari qui pro christo tanquam pauper …”; … Oratio, incipit, “Domine ihesus christe fili dei uiui pone passionem crucem …”; incipit, “Gratias tibi ago domine ihesu christe cuius gratia sum …”; incipit, “Sancta maria uirginum sanctitssima dei genitrix et omnes sancti beatorum …”; [ff. 34v-35v, blank].
of Thomas Aquinas for before and after Mass, and suffrages of Macarius (against the plague), Christopher, Anthony, and Sebastian, followed by three prayers.
ff. 36-99v, Selected Masses from the Temporale and Sanctorale, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent, followed by three Masses for the Christmas season, f. 37v, Christmas day, f. 40v, Stephen (December 26), John the Evangelist (December 27), and then a series of masses from the Sanctorale: f. 44v, Barbara (December 4), f. 45v, Pharahildis (7 December), f. 46, Nicholas (December 6), f. 48v, Conception of the Virgin, f. 50, Purification, f. 52v, Amandus (February 6), f. 53v, Benedict (March 21), f. 55, Annunciation; followed by f. 56, Easter, f. 57v, Ascension, f. 60, Pentecost, f. 62v, Trinity Sunday; then resuming the Sanctorale with f. 65, Macarius (9 April), f. 66v, Landoaldus (18 March), f. 67v, John the Baptist, f. 69v, Peter and Paul, f. 71v, Landrada (8 July), f. 72, Mary Magdalene (22 July), f. 75, Assumption (15 August), f. 78, Visitation (2 July), f. 80v, Vinciana (11 September), f. 82, Bavo (1 October), f. 83, All Saints, f. 85v, Martin, f. 86, Livin, f. 88, Chrysogonos (24 November), f. 89, Catherine (25 November), f. 91, Anthony (17 January), f. 93, Holy Innocents (28 December), f. 95, Epiphany, f. 97v, St. Andrew (30 November) [Ends mid f. 99; remainder and f. 99v, blank];
Feasts from the Temporale and Sanctorale, mixed, generally arranged in the order of the calendar, but with a few exceptions, for example the Visitation (2 July) follows the Assumption (15 August), and Andrew (30 November) is at the end, following a number of feasts from December and January.
ff. 100-123v, Nota quod dominus Clemens papa composuit presentem missam in remedium epydimie et instituit quod quinque diebus continuis legi deberet cc lx dierum indulgentias concedens omnibus uere penitentibus eam cum candela audenti … Introitus, Recordare domine …; f. 102, Sciendum est quod sex misse possunt celebrari pro liberatione anime in purgatorio existentis in modum qui sequitur .. ; f. 105, selected masses from the Temporale, beginning with four Sundays in Advent, four Sundays in Lent, Passion Sunday, and Palm Sunday.
The first Mass, “pro remedium epydimie” (as a remedy against the plague) attributed to Pope Clement VI (pope from 1342-1352), is also found in Valenciennes, BM, MS 122, a Missal from Ghent, probably from the first quarter of the fifteenth century, and in Tournai, Musée du grand séminaire, cod. 23, a Missal produced in Bruges (?) c. 1405-1415 (see Online Resources below, description by Lebigue, who notes that this mass was widespread and cannot be used to localize a Missal). Followed by six Masses said for souls in purgatory on different days of the week and selected Masses for the Temporale.
ff. 124-130v, Masses of the Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit, Holy Cross and Virgin Mary [f. 130rv blank].
ff. 131-136v, In noua solempnitate corporis domini nostri ihesu christi, Corpus Christi (Thursday after Trinity Sunday), and f. 134, Michael [ends mid f. 136; remainder, and f. 136v, blank];
ff. 137-138v, Gloria and Creed [ends mid f. 138; remainder and f. 138v, blank];
ff. 139-145v, Missa de sanctis locis istius, incipit, Propitiare quesumus domine nobis famulis tuis per sanctorum confessorum tuorum …; f. 139v, Mass for All Saints; f. 140, for Peace; f. 140v, Missa generalis; f. 141v, Missa communis [ff. 143-144v, blank];
Mass for “the saints of this place” [includes Bavo, Landoald, Macarius, Amantius, Livnin, Adrian, Brice, Vinciana, Landrada, and Pharahildis] “atque ceterorum quorum reliquie in presenti requiescunt in ecclesia merita gloriosa.”
ff. 145-152v, Prefaces, through f. 150, noted; f. 152, collect, secret and post communion prayers added in a formal hand, probably shortly after the manuscript was made; f. 152v, prayer for Charles V added in a later hand on a folio that was originally left blank, incipit, “Et famulum tuum karolom electum romanorum imperatorem cum popuo sibi commisso …”;
[f. 153, blank] ff. 153v-162v, Canon, beginning with a full-page miniature of the Crucifixion; prayers, ff. 159-161, noted [f. 162v, blank];
ff. 163-188v, Common of Saints, Masses for the dead, for the Virgin and the Holy Spirit [ff. 187-188v, blank];
ff. 189-280v, Temporale, beginning with Christmas Masses at midnight and dawn, and continuing through Epiphany, Lent, ferial days after Easter, Sunday after Ascension, ferial days after Pentecost, and then Sundays after Pentecost, concluding with the twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost.
214 x 156 mm
Nombre de feuillets
280 fol.
Lieu de mise en vente
TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures
Date de mise en vente
Signalement dans la bibliographie
Description codicologique complète : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/notated-missal-60822?country[]=the-low-countries&inventorySearch=4&p=13
Reproduction photographique
Pour citer cette notice
Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Missel (Gand ou Bruges ?, vers 1425-1450) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0095, 2024, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0095.