Bréviaire (Sainte-Gertude de Nivelles, vers 1450-1475)
Notice créée le 2024-08-24 à 13:02 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).
Bréviaire (Sainte-Gertude de Nivelles, vers 1450-1475)
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Vers 1450-1475
Sainte-Gerturde de Nivelles
[ff. 1-2, blank, with later notes (see Provenance above)]; ff. 2v, The Pater noster, Ave maria, and Creed; blank space at the bottom of the leaf filled with later liturgical notes.
ff. 3-6v, Calendar, with entries for every day of the month, now lacking two folios after f. 3 with March, April, May, and June, including the Elevation of St. Gertrude, 10 February, in red, nine lessons, full and solemn office; translation of St. Begga, 7 July; Killian and “Visio sanctissimi corporis beate Gertrudis” (8 July); translation of Benedict, 11 July; Margaret, 13 July, nine lessons; Dedication of the Altar of St. Gertrude, 24 July, nine lessons, full and solemn office with procession; Anne, mother of Mary, 26 July, nine lessons; Commemoration of St. Gertrude, 4 August, procession; Lambert, 17 September, in red, nine lessons; St. Michael, 29 September, in red, nine lessons; Consecration of blessed Gertrude, 2 December, in red, nine lessons, full and solemn office; and Begga, 17 December; and memory of “Dominus Pepinus” (18 December);
Like the fourteenth-century Liber ordinarius from St. Gertrude’s, now Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS 422 (discussed below), this calendar includes saints for every day, and a comparison of the months of January, February, July, and August shows their contents are almost identical, although our Breviary includes the Visitation on July 2 (celebrated from 1389).
ff. 7-9, [Liturgical directions, in French], Sensuit la rubrice de loffice des aduens, …selon lordinaire du venerable colliege de madame sancta Gertrud de niuelle en brabant pour la partie des dames channoinesses… ; [f. 8], Nota que ap[res] historia Regum sensuit l’historie de sapience de sagesse …; [concluding with a note about the feast of St. Aldegunda]; [ff. 9v-10v, blank but ruled];
ff. 11-295v, Temporal, from the first Sunday in Advent through the twenty-fifth Sunday after the octave of Pentecost; [ending mid col. b f. 295v; ff. 296-297v, blank apart from later note on f. 297, see provenance above];
ff. 298-307v, Officium Recollectionum festiuitatum beatissime virginis marie, …; f. 305, Office of St. Michael; [f. 307v, Marian prayers added by a later hand];
Copied in a formal cursive gothic script in long lines, by the same scribe as ff. 7-9. The Office of the Recollection of the Feasts of the Virgin has been studied by Barbara Haggh (1988), who says a rhymed Office for this feast, celebrated on the fourth Sunday in August, dates from 1457 in Cambrai, where it was first observed in 1458. The text in our manuscript is very close to the text printed by Haggh. The feast was adopted in the Low Countries and in Aosta in the second half of the fifteenth century. It was endowed at Nivelles by Walter Henrici before his death in 1494 (he endowed the feast at fourteen churches, including Nivelles, apparently from 1474 on; see Haagh, p. 366, citing Soenen, 1987, p. 425).
ff. 308-559, Sanctoral beginning with Saturninus (29 November), including on f. 312v, Consecration of Blessed Gertude (December 2); Waldetrudis (February 4), f. 363, Elevation of Gertrude (February 10); f. 374v, Transitus of Gertrude (March 17), Begga (translation, July 7), Etho (July 10, not in the Liber ordinarius), f. 438, Dedication of the altar of St. Gertrude (July 24), Lambert (September 17), Leodegar (October 2), Aldegundis (November 13), and concluding with vigil of Andrew (29 November);
ff. 559-560v, [Office for the Feast of the Holy Lance and Nails of Christ], Incipit hystoria sacratisssime et clamorum domini que seruanda est feria vi post feriales pasche …;
This feast was instituted in 1354 or 1356 by Pope Innocent VI.
ff. 561-577v, Common of Saints;
ff. 578-597, Hymns for the year, Temporal, Sanctoral, and Common of Saints; [f. 597v, blank];
ff. 598-668v, Liturgical Psalter with secular divisions for the days of the week and Vespers (Psalms 1, 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, and 109);
ff. 668v-675, Canticles: “Confitebor tibi Domine” “Ego dixi in dimidio” “Exultavit cor meum” “Cantemus Domino” “Domine audivi auditionem tuam” “Audite celi”, “Benedicite omnia opera” “Te Deum” “Magnificat” “Benedictus Dominus” “Nunc dimittis,” followed by the Athanasian Creed, “Quicumque vult”;
ff. 675-678, Litany;
ff. 678v-687, Additional Offices and texts for the Office, including Office of the Dead (use of Nivelles), f. 682, Recommendationes animarum, incipit, “Subvenite sancta dei …”; f. 686, Incipiunt communia suffragia, primo de sancto cruce, … ; f. 688, De sancta Gertrude per ebdomadarium, …; f. 691, Hours of the Virgin (Use of Nivelles; CHD, Online Resources); f. 694, incipit, “Ave per quam orbis lapsi …”; f. 695, Antiphons for feasts of saints with nine lessons;
f. 687rv, [Possibly copied in a slightly later hand, including texts for St. Lambert, and concluding f. 687v, with responses from the Common of Saints of many confessors. Preceding the final text is a very interesting series of short texts for Easter (perhaps from a liturgical drama), with rubrics for Chorus, Mulieres ad sepulchrum, and Angeli)], Chorus, incipit, “Maria Magdalene et altera maria fecebant diluculo …; Mulieres ad sepulchrum, Quis reuoluet nobis …; Chorus, Surrexit dominus … alleluia.”
1560 x 110 mm
Nombre de feuillets
697 fol.
Lieu de mise en vente
Date de mise en vente
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Pour citer cette notice
Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bréviaire (Sainte-Gertude de Nivelles, vers 1450-1475) », in GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0087, 2024, URL :