====== Bible vulgate enluminée (Paris, vers 1240-1260) ====== Notice créée le 2025-01-14 à 16:09 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini). === Titre === Bible vulgate enluminée (Paris, vers 1240-1260) === Identifiant GUARD === 0234 === Statut === Manuscrit complet === Date === Vers 1240-1260 === Lieu === Paris (France) === Contenu === ff. 1-455, Latin Bible, with prologues as follows: f. 1, [General prologue] Frater ambrosius [Stegmüller 284]; f. 3v, [prologue to Genesis] Desiderii mei [Stegmüller 285]; f. 4, Genesis; f. 23, Exodus; f. 37v, Leviticus; f. 47v, Numbers; f. 62, Deuteronomy; f. 75v, [prologue to Joshua] Tandem finito [Stegmüller 311]; f. 76, Joshua; f. 85v, Judges; f. 95, Ruth; f. 96v, [prologue to Kings] Viginti et duas [Stegmüller 323], ending imperfectly; f. 97, 1 Kings begins imperfectly, “//christi sui. Et ait abiit …” at 1 Kings 2:10; f. 110, 2 Kings; f. 121, 3 Kings; f. 133v, 4 Kings; f. 145, [prologue to Chronicles] Si septuaginta [Stegmüller 328]; f. 145v, 1 Chronicles; f. 155, [prologue to 2 Chronicles] Eusebius ieronimus … Quomodo grecorum [Stegmüller 327]; f. 155v, 2 Chronicles, concluding with the Oratio Manasse; f. 169, [prologue to Ezra] Utrum difficilius [Stegmüller 330]; f. 169v, 1 Ezra; f. 173, Nehemiah; f. 178, 2 Ezra; f. 182, [prologue to Tobit] Chromatio et heliodoro ... Mirari non desino [Stegmüller 332]; f. 182, Tobit; f. 185v, [prologue to Judith] Apud hebreos [Stegmüller 335]; f. 185v, Judith, ending imperfectly on f. 187v, “… et dicamus flen//” at Judith 8:17; f. 188, begins imperfectly with “//[rect]tum sicut servus meus iob …,” at Job 42:8; f. 188, Psalms; f. 211v, [prologue to Proverbs] Iungat epistola [Stegmüller 457]; f. 212, Proverbs; f. 220, [prologue to Ecclesiastes] Memini me [Stegmüller 462]; f. 220, Ecclesiastes; f. 223, Song of Songs; f. 224v, [prologue to Wisdom] Liber sapientie [Stegmüller 468]; f. 224v, Wisdom, ending imperfectly f. 225v, “… discatis sapientiam. Et non//,” at Wisdom 6:10; f. 226, beginning imperfectly, “//et sicut prospector …,” at Ecclesiasticus 11:32 [Ecclesiasticus concludes with the Prayer of Solomon]; f. 238, [prologue to Isaiah] Nemo cum prophetas [Stegmüller 482]; f. 238, Isaiah; f. 251v, [prologue to Jeremiah] Ieremias propheta [Stegmüller 487]; f. 251v, Jeremiah; f. 278v, Lamentations; f. 280v, Prayer of Jeremiah, incipit, “Recordare domine …”; f. 280v, [prologue to Baruch] Liber iste [Stegmüller 491]; f. 280v, Baruch; f. 283v, [prologue to Ezechiel] Ezechiel propheta [Stegmüller 492]; f. 283v, Ezechiel; f. 303v, [prologue to Daniel] Danielem prophetam [Stegmüller 494]; f. 304, Daniel; f. 311v, [prologue to Minor prophets] Non idem ordo est [Stegmüller 500]; f. 312, [prologue to Hosea] Temporibus ozie [Stegmüller 507]; f. 312, Hosea; f. 314v, [prologue to Joel] Sanctus ioel [Stegmüller 511]; f. 315, [prologue] Ioel fatuel filius [Stegmüller 510]; f. 315, Joel; f. 316, [prologue to Amos] Ozias rex [Stegmüller 515]; f. 316, [prologue] Amos propheta [Stegmüller 512]; f. 316, [prologue] Hic amos [Stegmüller 513]; f. 316v, Amos; f. 318v, [prologue Obadiah] Iacob patriarcha [Stegmüller 519]; Hebrei [Stegmüller 517]; f. 318v, Esau filius … ergo loquitur hic prophetae [cf. Stegmüller 11816, here marked “vacat”]; f. 319, Obadiah; f. 319, [prologue to Jonah] Sanctum ionam [Stegmüller 524]; f. 319v, [prologue] Ionas columba et dolens [Stegmüller 521]; f. 319v, Jonah; f. 320, [prologue Micah] Temporibus ioathe [Stegmüller 526]; f. 320, Micah; f. 322, [prologue to Nahum] Naum prophetam [Stegmüller 528]; f. 322, Nahum; f. 322v, [prologue to Habakkuk] Quatuor prophete [Stegmüller 531]; f. 323, Abachuch amplexans [Stegmüller 530, here marked “vacat”]; f. 323v, Habbakuk; f. 324, [prologue to Zephaniah] Tradunt hebrei [Stegmüller 534]; f. 324, Zephaniah; f. 325, [prologue to Haggai] Ieremias propheta [Stegmüller 538]; f. 325v, Haggai; f. 326, [prologue to Zechariah] In anno secundo [Stegmüller 539]; f. 326v, Zechariah; f. 329v, [prologue to Malachi] Deus per moysen [Stegmüller 543]; f. 330, Malachi; f. 330v, [prologue to Maccabees] Domino excellentisimo …, Cum sim promptus [Stegmüller 547]; f. 331, [prologue] Reuerentissimo …, Memini me [Stegmüller 553]; f. 331, [prologue] Machabeorum librum duo [Stegmüller 551]; f. 331, 1 Maccabees; f. 343v, 2 Maccabees; f. 349, [prologue to Matthew] Matheus ex iudea [Stegmüller 590]; f. 349v, [prologue to Matthew] Matheus cum primo [Stegmüller 589]; f. 349v, Matthew; f. 362, [prologue to Mark] Marcus evangelista [Stegmüller 607]; f. 362, Mark; f. 369v, Quoniam quidem [Luke 1:1-4 treated as a prologue]; f. 370, [prologue to Luke] Lucas syrus natione [Stegmüller 620]; f. 370, Luke ; f. 383v, [prologue to John] Hic est Iohannes [Stegmüller 634] ; f. 384, John; f. 393v, [prologue to Romans] Romani sunt in partes ytalie … scribens eis a chorinto [Stegmüller 677]; f. 393v, [prologue to Romans], Paulus servus ihesu christi uocatus … et qui de iudeis de gloriantur [not identified in Stegmüller]; f. 393v, Romans; f. 398v, [prologue to 1 Corinthians] Chorinthii sunt achaici [Stegmüller 685]; f. 398v, 1 Corinthians; f. 403, [prologue to 2 Corinthians] Post actam [Stegmüller 699]; f. 403, 2 Corinthians; f. 406v, [prologue to Galatians] Galathe sunt greci [Stegmüller 707]; f. 406v, Galatians; f. 408, [prologue to Ephesians] Ephesii sunt asyani [Stegmüller 715]; f. 408, Ephesians; f. 409v, [prologue to Philippians] Philippenses sunt macedones [Stegmüller 728]; f. 409v, Philippians; f. 410v, [prologue to Colossians] Colosenses et hii [Stegmüller 736]; f. 411, Colossians; f. 412, [prologue to 1 Thessalonians] Thessalonicenses sunt macedones [Stegmüller 747]; f. 412, 1 Thessalonians; f. 413, [prologue to 2 Thessalonians] Ad thessalonicenses [Stegmüller 752]; f. 413, 2 Thessalonians; f. 413v, [prologue to 1 Timothy] Tymotheum instruit [Stegmüller 765]; f. 413v, 1 Timothy; f. 415 [prologue to 2 Timothy] Item Tymotheo scribit [Stegmüller 772]; f. 415, 2 Timothy; f.416, [prologue to Titus] Tytum commonefacit [Stegmüller 780]; f. 416, Titus; f. 416v, [prologue to Philemon] Phylemoni familiares [Stegmüller 783]; f. 416v, Philemon; f. 416v, [prologue to Hebrews] In primis dicendum [Stegmüller 793] ; f. 417, Hebrews; f. 420v, [prologue to Acts] Lucas anthiocenses natione syrus [Stegmüller 640]; f. 420v, Acts; f. 433v, [prologue to Catholic Epistles] Non ita est ordo [Stegmüller 809]; f. 433v, James; f. 435, 1 Peter; f. 436, 2 Peter; f. 437, 1 John; f. 438, 2 John; f. 438v, 3 John; f. 438v, Jude; f. 439, [prologue to Apocalypse] Omnes qui pie [Stegmüller 839]; f. 439v, Apocalypse, ending on f. 445, Explicit biblioteca; [ff. 445v-447v, blank]. // //=== Retranscription === // //=== Dimensions === // //205 x 125 mm // //=== Nombre de feuillets === // //482 fol. // //=== Support === // //Parchemin // //=== Lieu de mise en vente === // //TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures // //=== Date de mise en vente === // // - // //=== Signalement dans la bibliographie // //=== Notice codicologique complète : [[https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/vulgate-medieval-bible-96382?country%5b%5d=france&inventorySearch=2&p=25]] // //=== Reproduction photographique === // {{:notice:manuscrit:vulgate_enluminée_paris_1260.png?400}} //=== Pour citer cette notice === // //Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bible vulgate enluminée (Paris, vers 1240-1260) », in //GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented//, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0234, 2025, URL : [[https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0234]].//