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notice:manuscrit:0193 [2024/12/26 15:41] – Créé depuis le formulaire creer nruffininotice:manuscrit:0193 [2024/12/27 21:52] (Version actuelle) nruffini
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-====== Bréiviaire à usage cistercien (Sud de la France, vers 1185-1191) ======+====== Bréviaire à usage cistercien (Sud de la France, vers 1185-1191) ======
 Notice créée le 2024-12-26 à 15:41 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini). Notice créée le 2024-12-26 à 15:41 par Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani (nruffini).
Ligne 37: Ligne 37:
 Sanctorale from Stephen (26 December) to Mark (25 April), ending imperfectly at the sixth lesson.  Matins for solemn feasts observed with twelve readings (three nocturns of four readings), here given in full. Sanctorale from Stephen (26 December) to Mark (25 April), ending imperfectly at the sixth lesson.  Matins for solemn feasts observed with twelve readings (three nocturns of four readings), here given in full.
-II. ff. 66-75v, [ten leaves, a quire of eight and two added leaves, added in the thirteenth century], Sanctorale, beginning in the first lesson for Mark (25 April) (with a different text than the previous section), and continuing through the Invention of the Holy Cross (3 May), ending in the Gospel reading at John 3:11, incipit, “… hec ignoras.  Amen amen dico tibi”//”;+II. ff. 66-75v, [ten leaves, a quire of eight and two added leaves, added in the thirteenth century], Sanctorale, beginning in the first lesson for Mark (25 April) (with a different text than the previous section), and continuing through the Invention of the Holy Cross (3 May), ending in the Gospel reading at John 3:11, incipit, “… hec ignoras.  Amen amen dico tibi”//;  Includes the offices of Robert (29 April), from 1224) and Peter Martyr (30 April), from 1255 (see the rubric on f. 68v);  I. ff. 76-77v, [two leaves copied by the first scribe], Sanctorale, beginning in the Gospel readings from the Invention of the Cross (3 May), continuous with the previous folio (“// quia quod scimus loquamur …”) through Primus and Felicianus (9 June), lacking Peter of Tarentaise (8 May), observed by the Cistercians from 1196, and Edmund (8 June), observed from 1247; also lacks Servatius, 13 May, observed with a commemoration from 1232;
-Includes the offices of Robert (29 April), from 1224) and Peter Martyr (30 April), from 1255 (see the rubric on f. 68v);+III. ff. 78-100v, [new hand and decoration], Sanctorale from Mary Magdalene (observed from 1175, 21 or 22 July) begins imperfectly, incipit, “//deprecata sum …” (21 or 22 July, observed from 1175) through the Assumption (15 August).  There is a gap in the text between the end of the last section and the beginning of this sectionwith the Offices for the saints from Primus and Felicianus on 9 June to Mary Magdalene on 21 or 22 July; one leaf missing following f. 95 with lessons 6-9 for the Assumption, lacks Dominic (5 August), 1255, and lacks the Crown of Thorns (11 August), observed from 1241 in France.  Includes Justus and Pastor (August 6) (see Provenance above).  IV. ff. 101-162v, Sanctorale from the Assumption (15 August) through Thomas apostle (21 December), includes Bernard (August 20), observed from 1175; lacks Francis (4 October), lacks Malachi (5 November),  lacks Edmund (6 November), lacks Elizabeth (19 November), lacks Katherine (25 November), lacks Barbara, 16 December (commemoration, 1227), but includes NicHolas (6 December) celebrated with 12 lessons and two masses in 1199, Dionysius (9 October), 1239, Octave of the Nativity of Mary (15 Sept), 1245, and Lambert (17 August), 1246;  IV. ff. 162v-220v, Common of saints from apostles, martyrs, (note collects on f. 180v for Vincent and Lawrence), many martyrs (collect on f. 186 for Fabian and Sebastian, on f. 192v, Maurice and companions), confessor (f. 197, collect mentioning Nicholas), confessor (collect, f. 203, mentioning Silvester); f. 205, collects, for Benedict, In commemoratione ac conuersione sancti Pauli, Beati Iheronimi presbiter, many confessors, virgins, and concluding with the dedication of a church; the text on f. 220rv, is almost totally obliterated from damage, but appears to be the conclusion of the dedication.  Notice bibliographique complète : [[https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/cistercian-breviary-manuscript-79748?country%5b%5d=france&inventorySearch=2&p=9]]  //
-I. ff. 76-77v, [two leaves copied by the first scribe], Sanctorale, beginning in the Gospel readings from the Invention of the Cross (3 May), continuous with the previous folio (“// quia quod scimus loquamur …”) through Primus and Felicianus (9 June), lacking Peter of Tarentaise (8 May), observed by the Cistercians from 1196, and Edmund (8 June), observed from 1247; also lacks Servatius, 13 May, observed with a commemoration from 1232;+//**Dimensions **140 x 100 mm  //
-III. ff. 78-100v, [new hand and decoration], Sanctorale from Mary Magdalene (observed from 1175, 21 or 22 July) begins imperfectly, incipit, “//deprecata sum …” (21 or 22 July, observed from 1175) through the Assumption (15 August).+//**Nombre de feuillets **220 fol //
-There is a gap in the text between the end of the last section and the beginning of this section, with the Offices for the saints from Primus and Felicianus on 9 June to Mary Magdalene on 21 or 22 July; one leaf missing following f. 95 with lessons 6-9 for the Assumption, lacks Dominic (5 August), 1255, and lacks the Crown of Thorns (11 August), observed from 1241 in France.  Includes Justus and Pastor (August 6) (see Provenance above).+//**Support : **Parchemin  //
-IVff. 101-162v, Sanctorale from the Assumption (15 August) through Thomas apostle (21 December), includes Bernard (August 20), observed from 1175; lacks Francis (4 October), lacks Malachi (5 November),  lacks Edmund (6 November), lacks Elizabeth (19 November), lacks Katherine (25 November), lacks Barbara, 16 December (commemoration, 1227), but includes NicHolas (6 December) celebrated with 12 lessons and two masses in 1199, Dionysius (9 October), 1239, Octave of the Nativity of Mary (15 Sept), 1245, and Lambert (17 August), 1246;+//**Lieu de mise en vente : **TextManuscriptsLes Enluminures//
-IVff162v-220v, Common of saints from apostles, martyrs, (note collects on f. 180v for Vincent and Lawrence), many martyrs (collect on f. 186 for Fabian and Sebastian, on f. 192v, Maurice and companions), confessor (f. 197, collect mentioning Nicholas), confessor (collect, f. 203, mentioning Silvester); f. 205, collects, for Benedict, In commemoratione ac conuersione sancti Pauli, Beati Iheronimi presbiter, many confessors, virgins, and concluding with the dedication of a church; the text on f. 220rv, is almost totally obliterated from damage, but appears to be the conclusion of the dedication.+//**Notice bibliographique complète :** [[https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/cistercian-breviary-manuscript-79748?country%5b%5d=france&inventorySearch=2&p=9]] //
-Notice bibliographique complète : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/cistercian-breviary-manuscript-79748?country%5b%5d=france&inventorySearch=2&p=9+**//Reproduction photographique ://**
-=== Retranscription ===+{{:notice:manuscrit:bréviaire_sud_1180_a.png?400}}       {{:notice:manuscrit:bréviaire_sud_1180_b.png?400}}
--+//**Pour citer cette notice : **Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bréiviaire à usage cistercien (Sud de la France, vers 1185-1191) », in //GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented//, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0193, 2024, URL : [[https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0193]].//
-=== Dimensions === 
-140 x 100 mm 
-=== Nombre de feuillets === 
-220 mm 
-=== Support === 
-=== Lieu de mise en vente === 
-TextManuscripts. Les Enluminures 
-=== Date de mise en vente === 
-=== Signalement dans la bibliographie === 
-Notice bibliographique complète : https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/cistercian-breviary-manuscript-79748?country%5b%5d=france&inventorySearch=2&p=9 
-=== Reproduction photographique === 
-=== Pour citer cette notice === 
-Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, « Bréiviaire à usage cistercien (Sud de la France, vers 1185-1191) », in //GUARD : Guarantee Unpreserved Archives Remain Documented//, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani et Sébastien de Valeriola (éds.), n° 0193, 2024, URL : https://guard.ulb.be/doku.php?id=notice:manuscrit:0193.